Our Brand
The Arfans Brand already has more than 35 years in the market, Present in all the Plants and Oil & Gas Fields of country, with a durability recognized by all Cooling Towers and Air Coolers Manufacturers,
Engineering and after-sales support initiated by Engineer Jose Luis Ruzafa since the foundation of the company, is a recognized differential .

Axial Fans
Variable pitch Fans in extruded aluminum. We include equipment calculation and the development of performance curves. We have a Wind tunnel for the aerodynamic analysis of different blade profiles to achieve the best solution for your application. Under the Arfans Brand we have more than 9000 fans installed in the Market, many in operation for 35 years.

Louvers for Air flow regulation.
Under the CAELIS Brand we achived International Quality standards with 100% extruded Aluminium under API 661. Versions in stainless steel and Galvanized Steel. We design for automatic or manual operation, optionally including actuators according to the operation. We also offer versions with hail protection.

Solutions for air coolers
More than 30 years of experience building, maintaining and repowering fans for use in air coolers. We also provide the transmision mechanism and spare parts like shafts, pulleys and belts; conical sleeves and locking systems. All with the complete calculation and support for the correct selection and adjustment to your equipment. We also offer anti-explosive turbo fans and blowers.
Fans installed
Years in the market
Market Share in Argentina

About us
Since 1990 we are a company focused on the design and manufacturing of solutions based on the movement of air. We have more than 35 years of experience in the field of air ventilation and we are specialists in the calculation, design and manufacture of Fans, louvers and Accessories for Air Coolers.
In 2023, the merge between the companies CAELIS ENERGY and ARFANS, made us the #1 company in the sector in Argentina with more than 9,000 installed equipment and presence in Industries and Oil and Gas plants all around the country.
Our Clients

Our Factory
We believe that design and quality are the best way for growing with our clients. To achieve this, we have a large team of engineers, passionate about continuous improvement and technological development. Our differential lies in comprehensive advice, including the analysis of the requirement and the iterative calculation with the user until the best solution is achieved and then ends in production.
We incorporate a Wind Tunnel for the testing of all our profiles and designs, which allows us to offer our clients highly accurate Performance calculations.
We have extensive aerodynamic knowledge supported by tests carried out on the profiles we manufacture, which allows us to carry out calculations and design the solution with the best cost-performance ratio. At the same time, we model all our solutions with 3D design tools, optimizing the choice of materials and construction parameters through simulation of loads and requests.